Cowes End-Of-Season Rally

  • 20 Sep 2024
  • 16:00
  • 22 Sep 2024
  • 16:00
  • Cowes Yacht Haven
  • 35


  • Join us for the social parts of the program

Well the ( always highly accurate ) weather forecast was looking rubbish, with even some members doubting they’d be able to make the passage!   Glad to know all our taxes are going to a good cause - not .  

So instead of lighting, thunder showers and strong winds and rain we got - yes you’ve guessed it - two brilliantly sunny warm days with soft breezes. This was a fine start to our End of Season 2024 Rally to Cowes. 

Your author and a handful of other members made the trip Thursday to get settled in and were greeted as always by the excellent Berthing Master team at Cowes Yacht Haven. 

Friday and your “Man in the Hat” and the Berthing Master of the day were kept mightily busy as the  grand PSYC Armarda  came into harbour one by one. With the tide being boosted very strongly by the Super Moon, giving over a 5 meter height, the ebb and flow across the South Basin harbour entrance was not to be trifled with. At one point your author felt it prudent to issue a “Notice to Mariners” on our WhatsApp group giving an update. That’s a first.  

With 32 boats to be accommodated it was obvious that rafting was going to be the order of the day. As ever, help was always on hand by one member to another, such a great club spirit . 

BYO drinks on the Veranda at 18:00 was a lovely affair. With a perfect warm breeze the area, decked out in PSYC flags and banner with seating bench tables cloth covered and candle lit, looked terrific and nibbles were tucked into. Conversations as always flowed easily and new members to our rally were made most welcome. 

20:00 and time to eat. Many went to do their own thing either in the wonderful variety of eateries in Cowes or onboard dining. While the mad and bad “Call It What You Want“ crowd invaded the CIWYW restaurant (situated super conveniently now near Sainsbury’s), to be greeted by the “Basil Faulty” of Cowes - Mark, for a brilliantly raucous night. Great food combined with a magic atmosphere and superb wine (as always provided by this most accomplished of restauranteurs) powered the evening along to “pudding  service” where for some unaccountable reason the volume of chat got louder and more shall we say cheerful. 

Well somewhat after 22:00 ( I forgot to look as I had too much pudding ) we were happily kicked out as Mark wanted to sleep .  I did say it was not going to be a quiet evening.

Saturday 12:30 with the final few boats mooring up on another super day heard the proverbial Moose Calls to gather the tender armarda for the tide asisted trip up to the Folly where we sat on terrace for a perfect afternoon. In total 32 folks made the trip with many walking there and some using the water taxi to return. One electric tender didn’t quite have enough electrons left to make the full journey back and a tow was gratefully accepted with all arriving back safe and well.

Mid afternoon and a huge honour was bestowed on our club by Captain John Scott ( Reef Knot ) who as master of The SS Shieldhall ( a most incredible and impressive ship, the largest working steam ship in Britain ) cruised past Cowes and gave several “steam hoots” for us.  This was repeated as Captain John called his boss Susan Scott (Reef Knot, our brilliant Social Secretary ) to ask if we had all heard them clearly and she instructed him to perform the task again.  By the way if you ever wanted to know how difficult it is to moor a 1792 gross ton ship with no bow thruster, no stern thruster and only one rudder, you know who to ask. 

On to our main evening event at the historic Island Sailing Club for 19:00 to start the evening off with pree’s on the marvellous terrace against the back drop of some incredible cruise ships sailing past. The dining room looked magnificent as 64 took their seats. Great service from an excellent team was then followed by the award of our now famous/ infamous “BOTY” awards. The three minor BOTY’s were won by well deserving members Chris Palmer ( Highland Lady ) Derek Kalinski (Astrid) and Paul ‘Shaggy’ Sherwood (FantaSea) with Bill Rothwell being awarded the Boaterist Of The Year award 2024 to much applause. A special award was given to our youngest ( and most brilliant ) member Emily Zhu ( Hai Kuo ) who is just a delight and whom I am sure is destined to achieve great things. 

Sunday and the clouds came in, the rain fell and the breeze picked up as all bar three vessels made their way back to Port Solent in a little lumpy crossing. 

Sarah and I were delighted to see new members and welcome back old members and we thank you all for your excellent support. 

My personal thanks to Sarah who did a magnificent behind the scenes job and without whom the rally would not have happened. 

Our thanks to all the following mad, bad but really fab Boaterists; 

Vigo, FantaSea, Mouse Too, Shiraz, Skye Raye, Sea Air, Legato, Joya, Pure Spirit, Ventus, Memsahib X1V, Astrid, Grand Cognac, Deja Vu, Gite, Hai Kuo, No Faffing, Skoolie Too, Old Possum, Catriona, Falaise, Reef Knot, Thomas Hardy, Paxi Moon, Ayesha, Jango, Quirky Lady, Riptide, Blitz, Aeolus, Yolo, Encourager, Liberty. 

John and Sarah - Liberty. 

Have fun and stay safe

Each skipper is responsible for the safety of their own boat and crew

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