Pop Up Anchor Off Rally August 31st

  • 31 Aug 2024
  • 12:00
  • Priory Bay

PUAOR.  September 2024 

The predicted weather forecast for several days before our first club Pop Up Anchor Off Rally (PUAOR) was sun all day plus a light breeze from the South East. Near perfect conditions. However………two days out and the prediction was for rain all day plus an Easterly 3 to 4.  Not quite so ideal. 

Anyway after a few understandable cancellations plus some surprising late bookings four ‘big’un’s woke to guess what, clear blue skies, nicely warm and almost calm conditions. Spot on. 

We each made our way to Priory Bay and dropped our proverbial hooks onto a good clean holding ground approaching high tide being two days from a Spring. Quick calculation and your author popped over 20 mts ( god bless an electric anchor winch ) of chain, on the proviso that more is always best to settle down at the anchorage. 

Tenders readied, swim ladder deployed, supplies onboard and one last check that were held fast before heading to the beach where some were all ready camped out. The swell was a little stronger than forecast which made it too tricky to put an outboard on the back of Highland Lady so her tender was towed to the beach. The breakers made the landing a little damp but eventually camp was set, beers were out and food taken as we pushed our toes into the soft golden sand and chilled. 

A few more members hove too and either dropped their hook or popped into Bembridge as our noses were filled with the enticing smell of BBQ. 

For some reason the skipper of Highland Lady could not stop hugging his tender ( see photo ) but hey ho , it takes all sorts to make a world. 

Extra Stella ( other beers are available) was brought speedily to our beach head by Peaky Blinders, as yet a non member but watch this space, being a rather fabulous and immaculately maintained serious rib. 

The day wore on with much fine chat and laughter as the tide receded and the sea calmed to flat.  A little cloud late in the day and it was time to head back ( the reverse tow in action ) and steadily the anchorage emptied till only your author was left in flat calm conditions as the sun made one more peak before dark. 

Thanks to Astrid, Highland Lady, Deja Vu, FantaSea , Moosnshine , Liberty , Peaky Blinders and for making our first ever PUAOR a lovely success.

Have fun and stay safe

Each skipper is responsible for the safety of their own boat and crew

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