Cowes - Yacht Haven - No Faffing

  • 5 Jul 2024
  • 13:00
  • 7 Jul 2024
  • 13:00
  • Cowes Yacht Haven
  • 15


Registration is closed

Friday 5th July

The weather was not promising for our rally to Cowes this weekend but undeterred by reports of a gusty force 7 and driving rain, No Faffing and her crew made the crossing from Portsmouth to Cowed with some trepidation. The conditions were indeed as challenging as predicted but both vessel and crew rose to the challenge, arriving in Cowes around lunchtime, slightly damp and with our burgee in tatters! A hearty lunch of burgers and chips at Pontoon View was very welcome. No Faffing was joined Highland Lady and her crew, who were already berthed at Cowes Yacht Haven following their journey in similarly windy conditions (but no rain!) the previous evening on their way back from Poole. Pontoon drinks on Friday evening were hosted aboard No Faffing, where both crews enjoyed some home-baked cheese straws and chocolate chip cookies. This was followed by an excellent meal and wine at the Cowes Tandoori. While the exhausted crew of No Faffing retired for the night, the crew of Highland Lady stayed out to dance the night away!

Saturday 6th July

On Saturday No Faffing and Highland Lady were joined by Liberty and all three crews spent a very pleasant afternoon in the marina, finding various places to watch the tennis at Wimbledon, the Formula 1 qualifying races and England’s victory over Switzerland in the Euro 2024 football quarter final. Despite the very un-summery weather, all three crews were able to enjoy a jug of Pimm’s and a bottle of prosecco with some light snacks aboard No Faffing before heading into Cowes for dinner. Six of us dined at Murray’s Seafood Restaurant, where four courses of exquisite seafood were enjoyed, including oysters, a superb fish soup, surd ‘n’ turf, various catches of the day and some scrumptious desserts, all fo course accompanied by several bottles of wine.

Sunday 7th July

Highland Lady and her crew were first to depart on Sunday, shortly followed by No Faffing. Liberty and her crew opted to remain in Cowes for an additional night, returning home on Monday. The return journey was considerably less windy but with heavy and continuous rain, a soggy time was had by all. Although happy to get home, I believe all three crews enjoyed everything this rally had to offer despite the fickle attitude of the Great British summer towards our seafaring endeavours!


Have fun and stay safe

Each skipper is responsible for the safety of their own boat and crew

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