Bembridge BBQ - Thomas Hardy

  • 24 May 2024
  • 13:00
  • 27 May 2024
  • 13:00
  • Bembridge
  • 30


  • Members must book direct with the harbour on their booking system AFTER registering on the PSYC website. A rally code will be provided on booking

Nineteen vessels, in equal proportion motor to sail, registered with the Club for this Spring Bank Holiday rally, which was attended by 41 skippers, crew and friends. We were lucky that the weather generally throughout was favourable, with lots of sunshine and dry conditions. A couple of boats arrived early but most on the Friday, with two more joining the next day. Conditions coming across varied from stiff breeze to yachts becoming becalmed, with conditions changing abruptly.

The marquee that had been booked for the Friday BBQ had transformed since our last visit, into an open-sided shed but after a degree of pleading, harbour staff managed to hang remnants of said marquee on to the windy side to protect from the chill of the evening. The theme of the gathering was ‘Dress Loud’ and a big thanks to those who entered into the spirit. Caribbean, hippy, nautical, loads of matching or random bright colours and the most lary pair of boots most had ever seen! The ‘loudest’ attire was adjudged to be that of David Goldie, [who having arrived in just the jacket but on seeing the opposition, returned to don the trousers too], won the prize with his spectacular union jack suit.

The next day saw two of our fleet reluctantly departing, having been unable to secure more than the one-night booking and the harbour became rammed with boats, with at least three other rallies in attendance and rafts of up to four boats out. The scheduled walk along The Causeway up to The Vine was abandoned, as members took advantage of the extra rally day and did their own thing in a variety of ways - bus trip to Yarmouth for the Sea Shanty Festival, water taxi across the harbour to lunch at the Crab Shack, paddle boarding in the bay, car-hire to see the IoW sights, exploring in tenders, strolling along the sea front and of course, just chilling and chatting. Pontoon drinks that evening was a slightly depleted affair, attributed to the cool evening air and the alternate attraction of flowing white wine onboard. Ralliers then dispersed to follow their own dining arrangements.

On Sunday, three more boats departed due to other commitments and 22 ralliers met at the Bembridge Sailing Club, some having taken the water taxi over and others arriving by their own means. We were treated to a delightfully presented and tasty table-service meal in the enviable setting of the main dining room, overlooking the harbour mouth. The Club Commodore made a point of coming in to welcome us and to take time to go round each table for a brief chat. Our Commodore Gail has I know written in appreciation of this courtesy. Certainly a feature for future rallies, despite the water taxis forgetting to turn up for the return journeys.

Bank Holiday Monday provided the alternative of returning to base, or going on to East Cowes to join the follow-up rally and a favourable tide arund midday, made for a comfortable departure for either these choices. A big thank you to you all for your cheerfulness and good company [Kismet, Reef Knot, Skye Raye, Ayesha, Blitz, Happy Place, Déjà Vu, Sea Air, High Time, Astrid, Jango, Aeolus, Corba, Adriana, Maggie May, Pikorua, Spree and Active Day -sans boat-! Hope to see you soon.

Richard and Carole

‘Thomas Hardy’

Have fun and stay safe

Each skipper is responsible for the safety of their own boat and crew

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