Beaulieu River - Paxi Moon

  • 10 May 2024
  • 12:00
  • 12 May 2024
  • 12:00
  • Beaulieu River - Bucklers Hard Marina
  • 30


Rally leaders Paxi Moon with Richard and Julie Taylor arrived on Thursday ahead of the rally to get prime position stern to on the pontoon so that Julie (nine weeks post hip replacement surgery) could get on and off the boat easily. Arriving early also meant we could be there to welcome everyone as they arrived the following day.

On Friday afternoon the berthing masters had their work cut out as everyone started turning up,  Pikarua being the first to arrive.

Once the Friday rush hour was complete, crews settled down in the sunshine with a cuppa or a beer.

The crews of the nine vessels met up on Friday evening for drinks and nibbles by Paxi Moon after which some ventured to the Master Builders, others dined on board whilst the remainder ventured ashore to the seafood pop up,  returning to their vessels with the fresh local catch to eat whilst enjoying more drinks. Who uses real glassware I wonder… Oops!

The following morning the internet was awash with photos of a spectacular aurora borealis clearly visible from the south coast – and guess what, none of us had witnessed it!

Mid morning, Alison from Pikarua volunteered to lead the walk into Beaulieu village taking in the New Forest nature enroute, whilst others went off to Exbury Gardens by taxi. In the afternoon, Falaise’s crew was hoisted aloft, taking masthead photos of the rally, others played in dinghies or were on paddleboards. Others simply relaxed around the marina. We welcomed the four Saturday arrivals, however unfortunately Mouse Too had furling issues downriver and arrived considerably later in the day than expected.

In the early evening, the barbeques were lit and diners assembled shortly after 6pm (Andy C-B joining us by road), and as usual the men (led by the Aussies) took command of the BBQ! A great evening was had by all.

Sunday morning, after an enjoyable warm sunny weekend, the rally dispersed down river and back home. For those sailing there was the usual wind on the nose all the way back to Portsmouth Harbour.

Richard & Julie Taylor - Paxi Moon

Have fun and stay safe

Each skipper is responsible for the safety of their own boat and crew

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