The weather forecast proved to be a big challenge for the Shakedown Rally. Originally 28 boats signed up with a wait list. With 30 knot winds forecast on the Friday, throughout the week a number of power boats pulled out of the rally, and then a number of yachts decided to postpone until Saturday. Astrid ventured out of Port Solent on free flow at noon on Friday, although the wind forecast was not set to reduce until after 3. As we came out of the harbour the tide was on the turn and we enjoyed a roller coaster ride in turbulent waters until we got into the deeper water of the Solent when the sea state gradually eased. A few other yachts, both motor and sail also ventured out and we all arrived safely in Cowes without incident. The majority arrived the following day under sunny skies and a much more temperate forecast, ending up with around 20 boats at the rally in all.

Because of the delayed arrivals, we were a select 15 at pre-dinner drinks on Friday evening, we really needed a few more takers for the cake and fizz, but the marina staff didn’t complain! and then, 11 of us stayed on to enjoy a faith supper together on the veranda.
The trip to the Folly in tenders was aborted on Saturday as again, most boats were still under way to Cowes, so, with CYH permission, a few of us
returned to the veranda to enjoy a buffet lunch and cake leftover from the night before while some people enjoyed a visit to Osborne house and others did their own thing.
Pre dinner drinks on Saturday evening was much better attended, with 14 people also joining in the Easter Bonnet parade, the prize
Easter Egg being won by Jane Kelvey who lit us all up with her creation, and another Egg being won by Gail who
knew the most answers to the 7 Wonders of the Isle of Wight. 32 of us then went for dinner at Island Sailing Club, who fed us and looked after us beautifully as usual.
Sunday was a free day, and 11 of us strolled up to the Lighthouse Pub, East Cowes together via the Chain ferry for an enjoyable Sunday Roast while others again did their own thing. Having the bad weather on Friday, it was a bonus being a bank holiday weekend, which gave us all an extra day to enjoy in Cowes - always a nice place to be, and everyone headed back to their moorings on Sunday morning to await the next rally.